Our definition of school success is embedded in our graduate profile and centered on our four Homie identities that we aim to reframe and cultivate throughout the educational experience with the ultimate goal of Emancipation. Emancipation, for youth impacted by systemic oppression, means graduating from high school, meeting basic needs, having a safe place to live, and working towards finding one’s life’s purpose.
Our definition of school success is embedded in our graduate profile and centered on our four Homie identities that we aim to reframe and cultivate throughout the educational experience with the ultimate goal of Emancipation. Emancipation, for youth impacted by systemic oppression, means graduating from high school, meeting basic needs, having a safe place to live, and working towards finding one’s life’s purpose.
In order to get to Emancipation, the initial four identities manifests the following affirmations:
I can take care of myself. (Hustler)
I know who I am and where I come from. (Identity Development)
I have multiple skills and a plan for my life. (Scholar)
I am a healer within. (Healer)
I love myself and my community. (Healer, Warrior)
I am a warrior with a purpose. (Warrior)
I am a scholar on a journey. (Scholar)
We will go beyond non-traditional measures including tracking reduction of involvement with the criminal justice system, self-esteem/agency, job acquisition, housing status and security, reductions in “at-risk” behaviors such as drug/alcohol use and teen pregnancies, and involvement in social change organizations. At Homies, however, we also believe that with aligned support and supports, our students can and will compete with other high performing schools. As such, we will also track more traditional measures of success including enrollment and attendance rates, suspensions/expulsions, GPA, standardized test scores, in-house academic and socio emotional assessments,graduation rates from high school, and college enrollment, persistence, and graduation rates.